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Produkt + Projekt was founded in 2005 by the graduate designer and ergonomist Wolfgang Moll. The main field of activity is demographic change. After the first projects, it became clear that an essential task is to raise awareness for this important topic. A scientifically proven method for this is age simulation. As early as 2009, the organisation developed the age simulation suit GERT on the basis of extensive scientific data, as there was no age simulation suit on the market at that time that met their requirements.

At the beginning, GERT was only intended for use in their own projects and so they designed it to be as optimal as possible. They, therefore, paid particular attention to a neutral, serious appearance and refrained from any self-advertising on the age simulation suit GERT. Soon the first purchase inquiries came and very fast the demand was so large that they decided to series production. Here, too, they made no compromises in favour of better marketing. The scientific foundation and practical usability are still top priorities.

In the meantime, the age simulation suit GERT has been scientifically evaluated several times and the success of their customers also proves them right. Many customers report enthusiastically how they successfully use GERT in their projects and also the media reports about the use of GERT by customers speak for themselves.

Product + Project is a small but very successful company that operates internationally. Due to the great demand, it is constantly growing.

Basic Information

Name of Organization: Product + Project
Company Size: < 50
Location: Niederstotzingen, Baden-Württemberg
Industry: Manufacturing and distribution
Form of the Entity: Commercial company

Work Story

„Our products help “make the world a little better”.“

Their main product is the GERT age simulation suit. This has already been used very successfully in prevention campaigns, for example by employers’ liability insurance associations, to show workers how they can play a positive role in shaping their own aging. The subjects immediately recognized that obesity and lack of physical activity exacerbate the signs of aging. But they also recognized that a healthy lifestyle can actually compensate for the changes that come with aging. The self-awareness of aging obviously triggers a lasting process, while classic information materials can only have a minor effect with no long-term impact.

In Occupational Health Management, there are many ways to incorporate simulators for self-awareness into prevention work. A health day, for example, is a good example of this. Self-experience offers, such as the age simulation, are a real attraction that has a lasting effect and also makes the target group accessible for further information on the topic of prevention. But simulators can also be used for self-awareness outside of campaign days. For example, employees who are tending to incorrect movement or posture can use the back pain simulator to feel the long-term consequences of their behavior in their daily work and thus influence their behavior.

Source: Interview “Motivation for prevention. Smarter through self-awareness.” with Wolfgang Moll, designer and ergonomist, business owner of Product + Project, GESUND LEBEN health@work 06 I 2019 (, 09.08.2022

Useful Insights

There are several studies on the effectiveness of the age simulation with the following conclusions:

  • At the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg (Dr. med. S.A. Filz, Dr. med. W. Swoboda et al.) the effectiveness of age simulation in the education of medical students was investigated: It has been proven that empathy for older people is promoted by age simulation. Its effectiveness as a teaching and learning tool has thus been proven.
  • The National Institute for Quality and Organizational Development in Health Care and Medicine (Dr. Ildiko Szogedi Ph.D.) and the Institute of Behavioral Research and Communication Theory (Dr. Miklos Zrínyi Ph.D., Teva Hungary Ltd., Dr. habil Attila Forgacs Ph.D.) of Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary, evaluated the simulation of motoric skills changes in old age with the age simulation suit GERT in a pilot study: The age simulation suit GERT is a good tool to simulate the limitations of older age.
  • In a pilot study, the graduate psychologists Laura Schmidt and Katrin Jekel from the Netzwerk AlternsfoRschung NAR, Heidelberg, evaluated the effectiveness of age simulation with the age simulation suit GERT: The results show that the age simulation suit GERT realistically depicts age-related limitations and thus offers the opportunity to promote understanding and empathy for older people in society.

Source:, 09.08.2022

Ideas for Reflection

Anyone who has tried out the age simulation suit GERT understands the behaviour of elderly people better. The age simulation suit GERT is therefore used in the training and further education of medical professionals, in the training of employees in dealing with older customers, but also in the development of products suitable for senior citizens. Also, for reviewing the working conditions for older employees and for raising awareness among managers, GERT has been used successfully in many cases. Other areas of application are architecture, urban planning and improving safety for older road users.


age simulation for Occupational Health Management, occupational medicine and occupational safety, education, schools, education & training